Altyr is a holistic healing platform for the cosmically curious designed to optimize and support your health & wellness goals with our team of highly skilled and vetted practitioners across multiple healing modalities.
We pride ourselves on connecting our community with specialized healers and guides trained in multiple disciplines, and can tailor a precise approach to your individual needs. We also offer a range of curated self-care products to assist you on your journey.
Let Altyr Be
Your Guide
Shift your mindset with a 3 day guided journey featuring a top Altyr approved practitioner. You will receive a custom set of tools and access to premium content delivered to your doorstep. Prepare to manifest dreams, find more love, or reduce anxiety from the comfort of your home.
The Altyr Concierge Membership Program
Join our concierge program and receive access to premium services including a customized wellness plan, one-on-one sessions with our experts, exclusive benefits, savings and more.