Essential Oils for Full Moon Rituals

The final full moon of the winter season will occur at 7:42 A.M. ET on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. It will be spectacularly bright as it rises above the horizon on Monday evening. To take advantage of its powerful energies, essential oils may be the perfect tool to enhance your full moon ritual. Essential oils have been used for centuries for their therapeutic and spiritual properties. When used in combination with full moon rituals, they can help you amplify your intentions, enhance your spiritual connection, and promote relaxation. Full moon rituals have become increasingly popular as a way to connect with the inner self and set intentions for the upcoming month. They can also be helpful for reflection and letting go of what no longer serves you. 

Benefits of Using Essential Oils in Full Moon Rituals

Essential oils are natural extracts derived from plants that have numerous therapeutic properties. Essential oils can help you connect with your emotions and inner self, which is important for your practice. They have been used for centuries in spiritual practices because of their ability to enhance spiritual connection. When used in full moon rituals, they can help you connect with your inner self, your higher power, and the universe.

Essential oils can be beneficial in your full moon rituals because of the unique properties they each have. When you use oils that align with your intentions, they can help amplify and empower your practice, giving you an extra dose of energy and focus to help you achieve your goals.

Choosing your Essential Oils for Full Moon Rituals

Choosing the right essential oils for your full moon rituals can be a daunting task, but we've got you covered. Here are a few suggestions to help get you started:

Lavender for Relaxation

If you're looking to unwind and relax during your full moon ritual, then lavender essential oil is a great and popular choice. It has a calming effect that can help you release tension and let go of stress. For a unique and soothing blend you can use anywhere, try our Altyr's Breathe Essential Oil Roller, perfect for managing anxiety and high-stress situations. 

Frankincense for Spiritual Connection

Frankincense has been used for centuries in spiritual practices for its ability to enhance spiritual connection. By using this oil during your full moon ritual, you can deepen your connection to your higher self, the universe, and your spirituality. Our Altyr Brave Essential Oil Roller is a great blend to try if you want to connect with yourself with more confidence. 

Patchouli for Grounding

If you're feeling scattered or unfocused, then patchouli essential oil can help you ground yourself. Its earthy scent can help you connect to the present moment and focus on your intentions. Using patchouli essential oil during meditation or mindfulness practices to deepen your connection.

Lemongrass for Clarity

Lemongrass essential oil is a great choice for mental clarity. Its invigorating scent can help you feel more alert and clear-headed, allowing you to approach your intentions with a fresh perspective. Try the Altyr Awake Essential Oil Roller for a bright blend to enhance your focus and clarity as you set your intentions. 

How to Use Essential Oils in Full Moon Rituals

There are different ways to incorporate essential oils into your full moon rituals. One option is to diffuse them using a diffuser. Add a few drops of your selected oil, and let it fill the space with the scent to create a calming and uplifting atmosphere.
essential oil diffuser

Anointing yourself with essential oils by applying a few drops to your skin or clothing can help align your intentions with your physical body, promoting a deeper connection to your practice. Using our oil rollers, this is as easy as rubbing a little on your wrists or temples. 

Lastly, adding essential oils to your bath can help you relax, unwind, and release any tension or negative energy. Baths and water in general, are great to incorporate during a full moon ritual. Some oils also have therapeutic benefits, and this is a great way to enjoy them.  

In Closing

Using essential oils in your full moon rituals can have a positive impact on your spirituality and help you connect with your inner self while achieving your goals. By selecting the appropriate oils and using them correctly, you can take your full moon practice to a new level. We urge you to experiment and see how essential oils can improve your practice. Additionally, you may discover new benefits beyond those mentioned here.