New Moon Intentions: Improving Spiritual Health

A new moon occurs when the sun and moon are in the exact same position in the zodiac.  With this conjunction, the Sun’s reflection on the moon cannot be seen from earth.  The new moon calls us towards an internal focus and reflection on the light within. This is an especially fortuitous time to check in and improve our spiritual and mental health.  It is also a dark night - perfect for stargazing. 

New Moon Spiritual Benefits

Every new moon marks the beginning of a new cycle; thus, it’s a favorable time for new beginnings. The new moon on Dec 23, 2022 occurs in Capricorn.  The hardworking sign of practical success, forward thinking, and ambition. It’s the perfect time to set long and short term goals, restore order, and set needed boundaries.  Through restructuring and order, you can focus on what really matters to you. In this way, spiritual effects of a new moon in Capricorn will help you find freedom from chaos, worry, and other energy leaks that deplete the components of your spiritual health and wellbeing.

Components of Spiritual Health

A recent qualitative study provided the basic characteristics of spiritual health: “proper lifestyle, connection with others, asking about the meaning and purpose of life, and transcendence.” 

Spiritual health is not a singular, disconnected aspect of our wellbeing. Further research shows “spiritual health improves physical well-being and quality of life”. 

New moon energy provides the perfect time for looking at your own connections: to the spiritual realm, to self, to others, to nature, and to your own life’s purpose.  The new moon in Capricorn gives the opportunity to create routines and begin practices specifically for improving your spiritual health.

White Egg on Blue and White Net

Practices to Improve Spiritual Health and Wellbeing

Looking for inspiration to partake in spiritual health activities during this new moon? 

Tap into the full power of the new moon try:

  •  New moon spiritual bath: draw a warm bath under a new moon and relax into the water
  • Combine with your bath or as a stand-alone activity, guided meditations aid you in staying centered and connected to breath
  • Journal: Consider the prompts “How am I connected: to self, to others, to the world around me?” or “What would it feel like to be connected: to self, to others, to the world around me?”
  • Fully tap into the new moon spiritual effects of the new moon with a custom designed ceremony led by an Altyr practitioner   

The new moon in Capricorn energy is the perfect time to begin or reestablish spiritual practices that support the life you want. Let us know how you’re connecting this new moon. Be sure to tag us on IG @thealtyr.